A witch hunt From the start I'll let you know, I am NOT a supporter of Hilary Clinton . If I were a US citizen, I'd be voting for Bernie Sanders . Benghazi Committee Last night's hearing was little more than a witch hunt devised by the Republican party to discredit Mrs. Clinton. They have spent over $4.7 billion dollars on various inquests, and what have they gained? Nothing. Donald Trump In my view, the desperate attempt to further discredit Mrs. Clinton shows how desperate they are. The Republicans have finally realised with Donald Trump as their leading candidate; they are heading for disaster. Second in the race is Ben Carson , he may be a good doctor, but he's no politician - Putin , and the others, would have him for breakfast. The weakness of the party is shown by how far ahead DT is in the polls. If they were a strong party, there would be serious challenges to his position as there is in the Democratic party between the ...