Part 2- The race to Fire Point “Even so, we cannot take the risk of getting caught in a trap, only a few of us need go. The rest have to stay in case we get compromised,” Alanov replied. “Spoken like a true resistant!” James Joked. “Well as may be, James, but I have seen men fall for the Game in front of me as we tried to escape after such traps!” “WHOA!” James called out. “I was trying to compliment you there.” “Sorry, James, guess I am still edgy. Takes a long time to get used to not be hunted every step you take.” “That is OK, Alanov, no offence was meant and none taken. It was my fault, I tend to forget that others get hunted everywhere, whereas we just get ignored unless we cause trouble.” The night was closing as we sat there, pondering what to do. It was clear we had to go, but who would go? That was the question. Stevenarc rose to address the group. “Friends, the night is up on us now, with it comes our chance to make a start for the towers. ...