
Showing posts from November, 2012

Faye's passing over

I would like to thank everybody who commented on my story of a true love. This weekend is the third anniversary of her passing, she would have been proud that our story got a third prize. Sadly, I had to decline the honour as there were some who didn't play fair and that tainted the award for me.

The tale of the vanishing book store

If you check my book links ( does anybody - no - but just in case you do), you will over the coming months see books taken out of service. I am doing this for one of three reasons. A) - Tweaking and tidying up B) - Merging with other stories C) - Removing completely

A saucy de'but

My good friend Lana has asked me, to tell you that her book above is rising in slowly in the Amazon ratings for Erotica.

Chapter 9 - The raid

        Rushing over to the radar screen James shouted out "What's wrong Freddy?"         Looking shaken and rather scared, Freddy said "You'd better come and see for yourselves!"         James and Marcian looked down at the high definition screen, able to detect the ridges in the dunes. While looking, James saw something that he wished he hadn't "Was that what I think it is Freddy?" He asked.         Looking at his friends faces and seeing thee look of anguish on them, Freddy replied "I'm afraid so."         Marcian asked Freddy "How far are they away from the bikes?"         Looking at the viewer Freddy replied "No more than about four hundred metres."         As the group were watching the screen, the door opened and Alanov returned from the ward with news for Freddy. "Padraig has something he wants to tell you, Freddy. He said he wanted you to know first. I have no idea, what he could want."

Escalaphobia got banned

It is Understandable Every day millions of people all over the globe use them. They are on the move constantly most days, so we have no idea how many miles one does in a day. People get on and off, laughing and joking texting each other as they travel up and down floors, with no care in the world. Yet to a small minority, escalators are a real phobia - I know - I am one of the unfortunate people. I only found out a few years ago, I was at the top of some stairs, and when I looked down I couldn't see the division of the steps. All I saw was a line of moving ridges; I get the same feeling on some sets of stairs if they have metal grids in them. I can understand why this short story got banned on one site; the ending is gruesome, but the ending is not my intention but a version of an event that happened in Tokyo , Japan several years ago.

WIP News

Update for June and July 2023 At the moment, I am unable to tell you if any of the stories in my WIP files will be finished.  I have many issues to resolve, other than the no ebook sales problem -   - I won't deny that not selling is a factor, but equally, I lack the drive at the present as several of the stories need major work, and I am finding it hard to see a reason to finish them, other than for personal satisfaction - and that means nothing.             

Selling out for a sale

I have been forced to accept the inevitable that only zombies/cheap sex/ 2012/Mayan calender and end of the world books sell. As much as it pains me to sell my soul to the $, here goes the shittiest book I may write.                                                May the Lord forgive me

Does anybody care?

The idea of putting what I thought was a popular series in a book, was a failed experiment- no surprises there for me. Looking at the reads for the last week and for the entire book 1, I was taken in by the 190+ reads for The Word page, as the actual pages only got a total of less than 50 over the entire 7 pages. Last weeks was a lot more successful with 48 reads but I am still thinking of ending it ahead of time. I may not even end it, I may just leave it, as few people are interested in it. Now the popularity is over, you can all go back safely to the land of the zombies now. Today, I went out to try and get a zombie book to read. I don't knock it until I try it-but could not see a decent story line anywhere.

I Need Out

The code INO was sent by 501 but who is 501? And where are they? Last week we left Adria and the guys in trouble, but what was seen on the radar? Tune in this week to read the next thrilling episode.

Rarity becomes extinct

This short but vital part of the series will soon be gone. IF you are interested in what happened to Patti, you don't want to miss this piece of her jigsaw. If I re-write Hunted down it wont make sense without this.

Read all about it

Read it all here :- 200 readers a month on line now. The book Amazon tried to say wasn't mine. The first seven episodes of the word together in one Volume.

Not in court

  In the case of Alan Place v Alan Place, over the material used for the book on Amazon-the verdict went to Alan Place LOL

Illegal copies

It was brought to my notice last night by Amazon that a man called Alan Place has been found copying my work and tried putting the on line serial out in book form. Yes folks, imitation IS the greatest form of flattery LOL If they had only checked;all the web links lead back here. Therefore, it would not take a genius to figure out that I set them up.  In the words of the great Irish poet Brendan Behan "The only bad publicity is your obituary."                                        

Chapter 8- Towers of Enlightenment

            Walking over to the big window that overlooked the garage Jame looked out at the vista, “Freddy how far would you say Echo Ridge is? Your maths are better han mine but I would say about sixty to seventy miles.” Walking over to the window and looking at the vista to Echo Ridge, James said “I'm no maths whizz but I would say the Ridge is between sixty to seventy miles from here. Do you agree, Freddy?” Freddy turned around and walked over to James at the window, “They appear to be using a regular ariel over there. I would put it close to a hundred, James.” “Thanks, Freddy. That just emphasised my point.” Adria take a few steps from the table and said “Sorry for being a bit dense here, can you explain it please, James?” Freddy replied “Adria it's better to show you what we mean. Can you pick up that ruler on the table and hold it arms length for me, please?” “No problem. Adria picked the ruler up and held it for a few minutes as James and Freddy w

The final verdict

        I won't labour this blog with the full story as it is well written on here anyway. This is just the end to the story. Fourteen months ago, the cast came off and within a week the tendon tore again. At the time of the original tear I know any hope of it getting better was futile.       Yesterday, I had an appointment at the hospital, the ultra-scan was to show the surgeon exactly what the situation was like in my ankle. The final verdict is that there is a 16 cm tear in the tendon and the tendon is not working at all. It is the fibrous tissue that is allowing me to move to around.       I am not shocked, I had suspected this was the case for months. In the sporting fraternity, this is known as a "career-killer" for obvious reasons. Once the tendon has gone, the best you hope for is a 4% to 6% healing average at he best and after that wait for it to go again. Factor in bad tissue structure owing to an illness, which made even this routine operation a no-g

A worthy cause

Image      The proceeds for the book will mean a person can have something to eat this season. I hope you will help those in need- I did.

The return of Patti

In the last week Pat Canella (the Dockland murders) has sold almost as many on Amazon as it had in the past several months- make sure you get a copy.

Page closure

This month I tried to gain readers for a Fan page for The Word on FB. It turned out to be a total disaster, I will close the page soon-if you wish to read the story it will run from here from now on.

The winter campaign

Now with the winter ahead, I have come to the conclusion that although I still have lots to write there will be no sales probably until February. By which time I will have taken a rain check on my year and decided where to go from there. Some things are already pre-planned, others I may take another chance on.

Congrats to Mari

Many congrats to my friend Mari Collier for the recent news that she has been offered a book contract :)

The Twilight Zone mystery

Many years ago, I remember seeing an episode of the Twilight Zone. I can vividly remember the story and have spent countless hours on line trying to track it down but... There is no record of it, not any any Sci-Fi channel. The enigma is that if it doesn't exist how do I know the story so well. I think it is The Twilight Zone because it was a short B&W TV episode of about 30 mins length. A quick resume' of the story :- An old man walks into a bar in a mid-west village. We have seen the type before-the sort of area were if two cars go there in a year it's a holiday to celebrate. Going over to the barman and asks for a beer, looking around he sees that there is a lantern hanging on a post nearby, jokingly he says "What if I can turn the lantern around from here?" Nobody believes him and the have a laugh until... He points his finger and does a circular motion, the lantern turns in mid-air. Nobody is more surprised than the man himself.  With his new p

Chapter 7 - The mystery of the signal

  Chapter 7- The mystery of the signal “Did you get the wavelength of the signal, Adria?” Freddy called to his friend. “No, it was too faint and moved around too much for a fix. When we get back to base we can see if James picked it up and can help us locate it.” Adria replied. As the friends were talking the other two bikes came across the desert and stopped by the skimmer, first to dismount was Frankie “Did you get that call just now?” Freddy repiled “Yes. We were wondering where it came from.” Dismounting from his bike Jeff said “There was something weird about the signal. I can't say what it was but it didn't sound like the normal strength to me.” Holding his helmet in is hand as he walked over to the upturned skimmer Frankie said “I got that feeling too, Jeff. Almost as if we were getting a bounce back from somewhere. You don't think...,” Frankies words tailed off as they all knew what he was thinking but dared not admit their worst fears. “No. I'

Chapter 5 - Where is Stevenarc

PART 5- Where is Stevenarc? Freddy was the first to take action "Padraig, did you see the small wisps of dust just after the shot was fired?" he asked tentatively. Knowing what it meant to the group, if he got the answer he suspected was coming. Padraig turned to him and said "Yes! This isn't looking good now, even without Kabel's weight we are cutting it too fine on the petrol. If I have to hit the gas hard, we could end up stranded out here." Still wondering what was going on Alanov spoke "Can somebody please explain what is happening. I am lost, WHO are these sand demons? And what does the question Freddy asked mean?" With a resigned look Freddy said “I guess we owe you an explanation, you may as well know now. If we don't make it back to base, there's no loss and if we do. You know what we are truly up against out here.” “Isn't the Game the enemy?” Alanov asked looking puzzled. “Only part of the situation, a

Chapter 4- Kabel's death

PART 4- Kabel's death The only sound to be heard was the gentle hum of the engine and the occasional eruption from the volcanic grounds around us. The silence was broken by a faint signal on the radio and the blip on a radar. “I'm sorry about going off the air, we had to close down. We got your signal but didn't want to give ourselves away.” The relief showing in her voice, Kabel replied “That's understandable.” Though she was proven wrong to doubt James, she was so relieved. The tall grimy figure of a man standing next to her said “We saw the flames of the eruptions and hoped you made it through. You took a great risk doing that, many things could have gone wrong!” “It was a calculated risk, borne from the risk of capture. I had to take the chance.” “We're a small band, far from you. We are just able to see Fire point from here. The equipment we have is worn out. This may be our last hope of rescue. Our land is ravaged with wars and turmoil

Chapter 3- Run for it

Part 3- Run for it “As much as I respect you, Kabel. This time YOU HAVE FLIPPED. That is a suicide move,” Freddy exclaimed. “Why?” Alanaov asked looking very concerned. “You will find out soon enough, Alanov,”Padraig replied. “I trust you do know what you are asking me to do, Kabel,” Freddy queried. “Totally, Freddy. Just hope this works out though.” “Can someone tell me, please, what is going on?” Alanov pleaded. “Ok, you deserve to know. As we might not make it through. Around the bend is a ridge of volcanic geysers. She is going to set a huge fireball off, to block the Game.” “I see why you said it was suicidal now.” “Look at it this way though, Alanov,” Kabel remarked. “If we get caught you and I will be publicly ridiculed in the square, then killed. The cadre will collapse and another segment of Game control established. If we don't make it through the flames at least we die free and there is NO   gain for the game.” “If we make it thr

Chapter 2- Race to Fire Point

Part 2- The race to Fire Point “Even so, we cannot take the risk of getting caught in a trap, only a few of us need go. The rest have to stay in case we get compromised,” Alanov replied. “Spoken like a true resistant!” James Joked. “Well as may be, James, but I have seen men fall for the Game in front of me as we tried to escape after such traps!” “WHOA!” James called out. “I was trying to compliment you there.” “Sorry, James, guess I am still edgy. Takes a long time to get used to not be hunted every step you take.” “That is OK, Alanov, no offence was meant and none taken. It was my fault, I tend to forget that others get hunted everywhere, whereas we just get ignored unless we cause trouble.” The night was closing as we sat there, pondering what to do. It was clear we had to go, but who would go? That was the question. Stevenarc rose to address the group. “Friends, the night is up on us now, with it comes our chance to make a start for the towers. The