
Showing posts from August, 2018

Free stories to read this weekend

Fantasy on Disqus. On my channel - , you can get some free short stories to read over the weekend.

I stand amazed

My e-books are on Amazon. I am amazed that people ask me where can they get my e-book? My first stop, and for the majority of people, would be Amazon . I am even more amazed if I get a sale from these inquiries after so many years of inaction as the result of the inquiries.


Mental health concerns. Not a topic of general interest as people tend to shy away from issues of  mental health .  For many years, I have had occasions when I lose a day in a month, at that rate it is not serious, but when I lose two days in a week the matter goes up many notches on the scale of priority.  I have a scan booked for next month, but I am considering canceling the appointment. Not because I am scared of finding out I have   Alzheimer's disease , or because I am concerned about the effect it will have on the family knowing what lies ahead for us. I am concerned that after all the bad that has happened/is happening in my life this year, this will tip the balance for me. I put the memory losses down to increased stress caused by the loss of my disability allowance this month.

Short story updates

Read the Updates Here are links to some of my short story posts - , , , .

Write for the TV or Radio

I did try to get a story on BBC Radio 4. Several years ago, I undertook an online writing course. The result of which was I came in the top 5% of writers on the course, and most had been writers who had earned reps for many years.  In the beginning, I was in the middle of the class, then we changed to writing dialogue-driven work and I hit my stride. I cannot understand the problem of writing dialogue.  There are a few easy to recall rules - A different line for each speaker. Let the reader know who is talking if you have more than two people involved in the chatting. At various times, it has been suggested that I should try my hand at writing for TV/Radio as most of my work is dialogue-driven.

New Fantasy to read

Two series that could be turned into books. If I am to set myself a realistic goal I think self-publishing my stories and/ or   is reasonable. The change to  fantasy  from  Science Fiction  is because the latest Science Fiction I wrote never sold, and apparently, the readers in the UK prefer to read fantasy and I am yet to sell here.

Seeking a dream.

My dream was never achieved. Even at the height of its popularity, my series never came close to fulfilling my dream of selling ten copies of one e-book in a day, despite the series selling over 800 e-books in the USA, and the book Forgestriker selling over half of the sales for the series   

A free romance sequel to read.

A Homecoming online to read. As my book  isn't selling, you can read the sequel online at .

New Fantasy on my blog

Shandra returns to the battle. This is the beginning of a fantasy story I am running on my blogs -  and . The battle had raged for many days, and the fight had been hard, but at the end of the day, the warriors of the Geven tribe stood proudly as their new chief Shandra Connaught viewed them. Shandra surveyed the men who stood before her with pride, "Warriors of the Geven, today we struck a blow for freedom. No longer will be the victims of the Ghoron. Last night, we stood firm and showed them we are not going to wait for them to attack again. They felt our wrath; our anger is anger to avenge the brothers and sister who fell in the many battles, over the years, it is a rage-filled with the desire to bathe in the blood of defeated." The Geven and Ghoron tribes remained enemies for so long that nobody knew or cared what started the feuds. The lands of the Kaladrian Forest hav

Save a writer

My last hope of seeing a dream come true. By this time next week, unless I get some sales from  Amazon , my author rating will hit its lowest point, please help me get the belief I need to keep writing stories for you to enjoy by buying from my pages .  As the money I get is so little for each sale, I am more interested in keeping the hopes of a schoolboy to see his story published, not self-published alive. However, this seems a distant hope now after six weeks with no reply to my last emails .

Shoot "em" down!

Aircraft recognition. .I was watching a video on  YouTube  a few days ago, and I knew the answer to the question asked. The question was what was the aircraft shown? Three people had answered before me, and had given the wrong answer, because of a simple error - the assumed the plane was a British heavy bomber. From the first sight, I knew what the plane was - a B17 Flying Fortress - the only question I needed to ask was which variation, that was answered by the end of the video. It is the last version (G). The give for me is the tail turret, the G had an elongated gun position, not the swivel turret of the earlier editions. The first giveaway is the structure of the fuselage, the British bombers were wider and shorter than their American counterparts. The US carried more powerful bombs, whereas the British carried more bombs. One person said it was a Wellington, there are no Wellingtons capable of flying, the only remaining Wellington is at RAF Hendon under reconstruction

YouTube Downloads

It's a long road It is going to be a long road downloading films from India on YouTube , but it will have its rewards when I am done. I decided to do things this way rather than use a download site, the one I was using is useless as it takes all day to do nothing.  If I need to download the film, then add the subtitles, so be it.

Health Concerns

Aftermath of a fall I was woken this morning when I fell out of bed. I laughed it off at first, but after a few hours the effects began to show. First it was hard to balance long enough to stand; now, if I bend or turn my head the room goes blurry. 

PIP assessments WILL take your money

If I had the energy I'd be mad. If I had the energy I would be mad, but after a 16-month fight, I have nothing left to fight with now my PIP assessment has left me with no money for extras after I pay the bills.  Last night, I found another victim of the fire 16 months ago, I was using a Terri Clark CD to aid with the ventilation for my laptop when I noticed the case was brown, not clear, on investigation, I found that the booklet on the inside is waterlogged and has adhered to the CD. With time on my hands and no money to go anywhere, I may start to put my CD's on file again. I dread to think how many more I will end up throwing away with fire damage.

The perpetual question

Should I keep on blogging? I have two other blogs as well as this page to keep up. My Disqus channel  is beginning to thrive, and I have gone back to using my Weebly blog . Because of my doubts about the worth of these FREE blogs and personal issues, there will be periods when I won't be blogging.

Ghost stories are on the up.

The Old Church ghosts. My ghost story   has had a mixed life as my most read story online, even though I never liked the story for several reasons. This edition collects all the versions in one volume, including the edition only seen for a few weeks online with  Vintage Script  magazine seven years ago.

The majesty of churches.

Churches hold a mystique for me that I have yet to understand. If you read my posts, you'll know that I am not overly religious, or trying to push religion on you. There is something about churches that fascinates me when I enter one I can sense a calm that I never feel anywhere else. Whether it is because of the building being a church or not I haven't been able to realize as yet, perhaps it could be because I sense another presence in the building. One that is all powerful. I have wondered if I should have been a Padre since my days in the RAF when I got sent on a course to Andover, Hampshire. People have often said that I would make a good counselor, as I can empathize with the problems of other people well. I can say with certainty that I admire the men who built the church in the days before Health and Safety rules.

The restart of a FANTASY tale

Fantasy on Indie World. I am going to rewrite my fantasy story on my channel on Disqus , I hope this will instill in me the idea that I am able to entertain the readers.