
Showing posts from March, 2017

Draft2Digital beat Amazon with ease

If I needed proof - here it is Today, I found out that although I might not be selling a lot, I am selling in a lot of place thanks to  #Draft2Digital .    As well as being my best for almost a year on D2D, this month on the site, I sold the equivalent of three years sales on Amazon for my stock.

I value my work

If only others valued my work If you've read my blogs recently, you would get the impression I don't value my work. That is wrong, I do value my work greatly. The cause of my displeasure is that for the time I put in, I get little - if anything - in return. If you were getting $0.10c a day for hours of work, would care what you did?

The seven year itch

I want to be alone The immortal quote from Greta Garbo exemplifies how I feel about my writing. I've been asked to write a semi-biographical piece on my time as a  writer . My hopes and dreams against the reality of seven years of struggle to make enough to pay for a cup of coffee a week.    Hope    I hoped that I'd  be able to make a little money from story telling, as I'd been told by many people that I am good at it.    Reality   You write for weeks, and if you see $1 a week, you ARE doing well. Oh, people will read blogs because they are  FREE . You soon learn blog readers do NOT mean sales.   Reality    I knew the time I put into writing the stories would never pay off. In the beginning I didn't mind as I thought people cared; now I know differently and I don't care about the standard of my work from now on, as my rep is worth $0.10c a day.

Ten Years After

London faces a repeat of 2007 Not all Muslims are bad, but the bad ones make for good news headlines. The media is saying this is a wake up call.  It's a bit late for that, ten years too late by my account as I had a friend who was injured back in "07" by a bomb attack in  London .

It's a curse

Making your mark is impossible t's a writer's curse; we spend months writing a story, and then send it to a magazine, only to be told it isn't good enough - or is it? Is the case that the magazine didn't want to pay you? After all, once they have the story, it's upto them what happens next. We put our trust in people we don't know, and hope they're being honest.   WIth my latest rejection note, I am now batting 0 for 30, is it worth hoping anymore? ​   I stopped hopng ages ago, these last stories were sent to see if there was some hope for me, but there is none.

Did I create a monster?

A modern Jewish romance  To my surprise, but not to the surprise of my friends, my story     has taken on a life of its own with numerous readers requesting further adventures of Jehoiakim Atland, the Jewish journalist, and lead character in my story. Why are my friends not surprised at the  success  of the story, because they keep telling me that I am a good story teller.  Why am I surprised at the story's popularity, because for all the success of this story and my hit  science fiction  series ( Forgestriker ), I still see myself as a hack writer.

It's been a long time

July 2016 July last year was the last time I sold ten e-books in a month.   I will never know who my buyers are, all I can say is thank you from the bottom of my heart.    After the last few months, when things looked at their bleakest, I gave up hope of seeing the days of a ten sale month, but YOU did it!     Already this month, you have bought ten of my  e-books  and I can't thank you too much.

Dragon's lair

In times of old Still in its raw state but here is a sample of a future fantasy story . The battle had raged for many days, and the fight had been hard, but at the end of the day, the warriors of the Geven tribe stood proudly as their new chief Shandra Connaught viewed them. Shandra surveyed the men who stood before her with pride, "Warriors of the Geven, today we struck a blow for freedom. No longer will be the victims of the Ghoron. Last night, we stood firm and showed them we are not going to wait for them to attack again. They felt our wrath to avenge the brothers and sisters who fell in  battles, over the years, it is a rage-filled with the desire to bathe in the blood of defeated." The Geven and Ghoron tribes remained enemies for so long that nobody knew or cared what started the feuds. The lands of the Kaladrian Forest have been fought over for centuries. There are tales of men who can blend into the trees and remain unseen for months, but few believe such...

A new Fantasy era

It isn't always about the amount of sales Zombiewatch Sometimes, it is what sells that matters, not the amount of e-books you sell.  That has been the drawback for me, while Forgestriker   has thrived, my other stories have died, until this week when two stories other than the series sold.


Best Furry Friend   I realise that as a  writer,  I could do more writing but does it matter?  Two years ago, I spent three or four hours a day writing my romance ,and to what end?  The book has never sold - despite several friends of a friend saying they'd buy a copy.  That wasn't the only time I'd devoted many months to my craft for nothing, my  award winning e-book   suffered the same fate.  What matters most to me now is that my  #BFF  (Best Furry Friend), Max, knows I am here for him as he doesn't have long to live, and our Daddy'Woofle time is precious.  I know I should get up a lot sooner than I do but I value what little time I have left with Max, for more than spending the time writing in the hope people I don't know may buy months of work for a few cents.

In the garden

Operation Fuchsia This week, with the Lord willing, I hope to resume planting my Fuchsias . With ill-health, and constant bad spring weather over the last few years, I haven't been able to get into the garden to do take of my plants for a long time.  The door in the background is the door to my room.

I wish

Paypal Every week I get several  emails saying X, or Y, has paid some money into my  Paypal   account, and encouraging me to withdraw the funds.    Do I look like I came in on the last illegal  immigrant boat?   How can people I don't know, and have had no contact with, pay me money? ​   I wish it was true, but it isn't.