
Showing posts from July, 2012

New best seller of the year.

I have heard E L Gray is very concerned about a new book that threatens to topple her from the top. JK Rowling is in talks to get it banned. WHAT is this book? I hear say. 1,000 years of annoying the French. YES-It is a real book not one of my jokey comments.

Strange dreams

Ingobernable Last night I had a  weird dream. I dreamed I found a TV series from Mexico that I had been searching for two decades for on my Amazon Fire Stick .  To those who read this blog that may not seem odd as you'd realise I do watch a lot of TV from Spain , and Spanish is soken mainly in Mexico. The odd thing, other than finding a working link to the series is that I would be seeking a series that far back in a foreign language. I put the dream down to watching the series Ingobernable with the beautiful Kate del Castillo in, then searching information about the series Narcos out online.

Amazon ratings

The Amazon rating system is a wonder unto itself. Last night my book Nerja sat at 945,000 and was waiting to be pulled from sales AGAIN. The my friend Norbeth bought a copy and it now sits at 114,000 without a doubt my best ranked book on both sides of the pond LOL But by a long way not the best seller, that honour still resides with Pat Canella ( the dockland murders) not only because she has been on sale the longest as for a great length of time she did nothing. Her position was secured by a sales of 5 at the end of May. The next nearest are Holding Richmond and Did we see him?

Friday 13th

With the time differences involved in having readers in USA & Australia, a true call for the day is hard. I will take it as my time zone. The day started well with 3 sales making 5 for the previous two days, my best week for nearly two months. Then today's blog resulted in the best ever day for my blog. From the great start, it petered out as we fell short of making Blogs4u the best blog. We had to settle for second best on the day but we could take more tomorrow. 


The story of a comeback book, only last week this book was in the doldrums sadly hanging around waiting to be given the kiss of death finally. I got it out at the request of a friend who said if it isn't out it wont sell. I didn't expect anything, it sold ONE copy a few days ago and had risen 87 places in Amazon, then started falling again. Tonight I checked it has shot up over 400,000 place to rest at only 31,000.

Sons of Baal

On a planet devastated by thousands of years of wars, a group of  futuristic soldiers fight for their home world against an alien invasion.

Is there more to come?

Alan's bookstore It isn't about the money, or lack of such, from ebook sales , that keeps nagging me; it is the lack of readers which keeps me asking if it is worth going on? An example of the dilemma is I have over 100 followers on my Facebook page and over 1,000 followers on Twitter ; yet my blog posts have yet to have more than 7 or 8 readers.

Thank you

It's been a struggle I'd be lying, if I said the last 15 years had not been a struggle to keep writing ; too many times to count, I have stopped in my tracks and wondered why go on? I would like to thank the readers, who did buy my ebooks, you gave me hope when all was lost, also, I wish to thank my friend, Julia, in Seattle , who has been a driving force with her belief in my ability as a writer , over the last 13 years.

A Time to Pause

A Moment for Reflection The project with my friend, and editor, in Seattle , is going to plan; she is about halfway through her edit process. As always, I am more grateful than I can say, and ashamed I cannot pay her for what she is doing. In past times, at this stage, I would be planning the sequel, but I have learned the lesson well. Only prepare the second book, if the first sells well, which mine rarely do since the Forgestriker science fiction series, over a decade ago. I was thinking of writing an eco-thriller for a change. This is a rough starting page. This is the start of the short story I have planned. The offices of the FDSN (International Federation of Digital Siesmic Networks) in Toledo , Spain were no strangers to earth tremors; it was a firm's joke that at some time during each week, the offices rock, but not like the slide which occurred 17th October 2009; that day was a day that the people in Toledo would not forget as the tremor that day was the beginning of a...