
Showing posts from January, 2022

Arctic Circle

  Argentina There is a lot of concern about the Arctic Circle  decreasing in size, but few people realise this has a slightly up side in that this means Antarctica    is expanding, and giving penguins more living space. There is a rumour that by  Argentina  is putting in a claim for the land as soon it will be connected. The  ebook short story  shown here  i s the second in the double collection I wrote over a decade ago when I returned from  Canada . The other short story Nerja   is popular on  Kindle .


  Oh dear, how sad, never mind The immoratal words "Oh dear, how sad, never mind" from It ain't alf hot, ma'am came to mind when I started tracking the downfall of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency funds last month My view is if you have enough money, but not the common sense to fall for this scam you deserve what you get.