
Showing posts from May, 2020

Tomb Raider

Relic Hunter. Before Tomb Raider there was a little-known series called Relic Hunter . The difference is in Relic Hunter, Prof. Sydney Fox ( Tia Carrere ) hunted for relics to return them to their owners, or to a museum, like Indiana Jones .  Recently, I had to think hard for the name of the actress who played Lara Croft, yet I could name the actress who played Prof. Fox without thinking.

Wealth before Health

To run a country you need money. As long as Labour go on about putting money before health, it shows how inept they are, and how out of touch with reality. Sure, we'd all love to put health before wealth, but we don't get paid the same salaries as footballers, film stars and TV icons, so who is going to pay the bills for services to keep running. In short Boris can't win , all I say is thank the Lord that Labour don't run the country, they can't even run their party.

Akuji sails on

Did my short story bring this sale about? I wonder if last night's sale of Akuji was influenced by the book being mentioned in my short story about Rhodesia . It was certainly a Mayday to remember here in Bristol, the rain lashed down for most of the day, and the sales at my eBay page kept flowing.