
Showing posts from April, 2018


My first story published. At the tender age of 17, I had my first story published in the men's magazine, Knave . The story was about two teenagers "making out" on the last bus.

Sex movies

Does sex sell? I am not a prude, but I find sex films boring. The idea of the film based on how much sex you can put into 90 mins, to me, is a flimsy premise for a movie. In a way, they are similar to the later  James Bond  movies, which became a case of how many gadgets can we use? I did try to read a sex story many years ago, but like the films, I found it dull. To some extent, the fact I never found Sylvia Kristel attractive turned me off the film; also Emmanuelle 2 was so incredibly over-hyped it was bound to fail. The hype was "More sexual, more sensational than Emmanuelle ," which from my point was right, as I found both films drab and a pain to watch. The fact that the industry then went on to do several more films of this ilk is a sad testament to the movie industry of the late 1970's. My dislike to sex movies and books played a large part in me losing a writing contract . I did try to write a sex story, but I got no further than page 1. I did write an ero...

No rest for the wicked

A busman's holiday. Years ago, at this time of year, I would be preparing to go on trips to music festivals in the UK, as a holiday break.  In the last year, I have turned my attention to television  breaks  for my rests.  This week, I got some travel brochures from the travel agent to see if I could get some inspiration for a sequel to my  romance novel , that is assuming the first book starts to sell next month. My last vacation was nine years ago, and that was a working break that produced my award-winning book .

A larger e-book for the same price

A bonus for the readers. Now on sale at Amazon

Britain is best

Brexit is good news. With all the talk of leaving the EU and the leftist regime that want us to keep supporting  Germany , people forget that for centuries before the EEC/EU was devised the UK had a thriving farming industry that has been wrecked by European farmers flooding the  UK  with their excess foods. Cheese ? Give me   Wensleydale  or  Double Gloucester   over any from the continent. Wine ? Kent  used to have a thriving wine industry before we joined the EEC. Champagne ? No thanks, I have had it twice, and I'd rather have flat lemonade.

The new release

Only on Draft2Digital. Available now, only on Draft2Digital   is my mystery romance novel A Homecoming .

The author awaits

The last roundup. After sending to over 70 publishers, I finally found one this is interested in my  romance novel .   I am now waiting for an editor friend to give me the go ahead, then I will send my book to 

Indie World is to close

My page on Disqus will be closing soon. My page on Disqus  will close at the end of the month. It has become stagnant because I am the only person adding to its content, and I never wanted to make the page entirely about the progress of my books .

All our yesterdays

Another old craft has gone. My book  is written as a tribute to a dying trade. The trade of fishing, in a time when the boats went to sea and the men knew what to catch and where to fish.  In my grandfather's day, the east coast of the  UK  was a thriving fishing industry, but these days, the smokehouses for smoking kippers lie dead.  It is not the fault of the  EU , they didn't help the situation, but the root of the death lies in technology when you have sonar and scoop nets to drag in everything, why need the men who know the seas?

Revised and tweaked

My Science Fiction bestselling series. My Science Fiction bestselling series can be read from this link

My deadline is here

The time has run out. T he deadline I requested for the publisher is two weeks away, but the deadline I thought I'd be able to make is this weekend. Today is Friday, not Thursday as I thought, so my times is short; fortunately, I am at the point of closing the story. I've met previous deadlines at the last minute before, one was after a period of being ill when friends said they were not concerned, my stories are so good they said they'd be happy to wait

The long journey

Accepting my limits is the key.   It's a long road to acceptance, but I am on the right track . I knew getting used to the loss of mobility would be the biggest hurdle to overcome and the bitterest pill to swallow

Ahead of the curve

On a good day. When I was offered the contract last week, I told the publishing house that because of appointments to do with my  disability , the book wouldn't be ready until the end of this month (April).  As I had some good writing days and was able to press on, the book should be ready by the end of this week.

A different genre for me to explore

I have written romances before. With the news that a publisher is interested in publishing a romance story I wrote, it makes me wonder if this is the direction my writing will take now? I do have several romances on file from the last few years, but I thought they'd never see the light of day.