Candy Crush

  No flight of Fantasy

If you read my blog, you will know I am not prone to flights of Fantasy (unless I am writing a story.

What follows may astonish you, yet it is true.
I beleive one young lady I chat to on Facebook is developing a crush on me, why?
She has been asking me about ladies I have chatted to online, in a way that suggested concern, I have chattted to many ladies online, they tell me they feel safe talking to me. Mainly because I won't get a lady to do something she is not happy with.
If I see a lady online, all I see is a person seeking company, beyond that, for me, it is upto the lady what we chat about.

Am I concerned about the development, no.
I am always puzzled about my attraction to ladies, as I never saw myself as attractive; I am told I have a nice personality.
Part of the attraction could be that unlike a lot of men, my profile picture does not show me half-naked; that would show I am more interested in the person than their appearance.
I won't deny a nice figure, and a little show of a ladies I do find arousing, on the other side of the coin'; the trend of shoving your breasts in my face I find both distressing, and unappealing.


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