The riddle of the shooting
Alan Place - The Puzzle solver
For the last month, I had been trying to find out some information on a murder in the USA.
At the time, the murder was headline news in the papers; I could recall a man walking to a table, and shooting another man three times in front of about 100 people, but other than that I was shooting in the dark.
The information, as I recalled was flawed; I thought the killing was in the 1920's - it was in 1908 - I thought it was at a rooftop party, it was at a revue for a show.
The killer was Harry Kendall Thaw, the person he shot was Stanford White - I can't say White was a victim - with Shaw's reputation for raping young ladies the incident was "on the cards." The victim in this story is actress Evelyn Nesbit, who became Mrs. Thaw.
White took her to a secret room, plied her with alcohol which was doped, and when she fell asleep, he raped her.
Thaw got off the murder charge, partially because his family had influence, but also he had a rep for violence going back to his youth; in this case, he thought White was barring his way into high society.
I solved another puzzle too, for days I was looking for a pair of my spectacles, I turned my room upside down but to no luck; then, when I stopped looking for them, I found them in a pile of clothes I was going to wash.
The third puzzle is one I created with no solution.
I had been searching for some DVDs of shows on Netflix I thought I had copied. I am now convinced I put the files on a USB external drive, not DVDs.
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