Ridiculous yet true
The stupidity of Muslims
The two tales I am about to tell, did happen.
Story 1
A young girl went to college, then University, and got a degree, what did she do with her education?
Better the life odfwomen in a male-domunated world, no.
Enlighten the world to see Muslims as not being terrorists, no.
What DID she do?
With all that education, she was going to take Nestle to court as her Topic bar had no nuts LMAO.
I would have taken the case to court, to show her how many bars of chocolate the firm makes per hour. Not forgetting, the loser pays the court costs.
Story 2
If you thought that was funny, this is better.
Several years ago a Muslim man hacked a site called TravelWest, he thought it was a site for all travel in the west, how silly is that.
TravelWest is a Bristol travel firm that people in Bristol have not heard about, so the effect was lees than zero.
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