Dream girl

 Hema Malini

In 1977, Bollywood actress Hema Malini appeared in the film Dream Girl, as she was the most attractive actress at the time.
I have to admit, she has got more attractive over the years.

Being in the film helped her carreer, but as big an influence was she married the leading man in the film, who was one of the top actors of the era,   Dharmendra. Their sons, Sunny Deol, and Bobby Deol are actors, as is thier sister Esha Deol.

I have asked myself, who do I think is the attrive actress in Bollywood, in my opinion, and I cannot gove a definitive answer, even my views change. Once, I would have said Madhuri Dixit, but one thing is certain, Raveena Tandon is always near the top of the list.


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