Destination India

 Where in India?

If you read the blog, you will notice for the last year I have been writing a lot about India; this may give rise to the question where would I like to go if I had the opportunity to visit India?

I do have a short list of possible destinations, which has changed since watching Bollywood movies; some things have NOT changed.

I always wished to visit the Red Fort at Agra.
My father was stationed at Pune during the era of the partition with Pakistan, that area interested me as well.
Mumbai  (Bombay) could be intersting, as could Kolkata (Calcutta).
There are some interesting places to visit in the Thar region of .Rajasthan, the problem there is the area is so remote, you need an armed convoy for security as the police don't patrol that far.
One intersting thing about the area is they still have a camel division who patrol the desert around the borders.
I may visit Delhi, not for the Taj Mahal, if it still stands, as recent downfall of rains from the Jumna river are washing the foundations away; the smaller temple nearby, the Mini Raj, has already been lost.


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