Being offended on Yahoo

 Young - coloured - large breasts

Several years ago on Yahoo I was offended by the actions of a young lady.
I am no prude,  have written erotic romance stories. I did try to write a sex story, but couldn't, what is the difference?
To me, it's about what the story is about, an erotic romance can have sex in as part of the story; in a sex story, the sex is the story.

Why was I offended?
She was young enough to have been my daughter, while some men would have been flattered, I wasn't, I would have been more interested in an older lady.
I had nothing against her being coloured.
The main turn-off, for me was she had large breasts, which were out of proportion to her body, while big breasts appeal to some men, they don't to me.
Also, the fact she thought I would wish to date her I found offensive, as she had not made any contact before, and was making assumptions with no information.


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