Banned from Egypt

There is nothing as good as upsetting the people who pay you 

I didn't know, the Professor who claimed to have found the body of Nefertiti has been banned from working in Egypt since 2009. The antiquities board has told Dr. Joann Fletcher her claims is false, and she had twisted the facts to suit her needs.
One magazine in the USA, went as far as printing an article saying her claims are balderdash. That must have hit her sponsors, the University of York, and their reputation hard.
I wonder how Universities decide to allocate funds?
The University of Manchester is a good riddle; they are funding a doctor to check to see if there is no sentient life, other than on Earth in the galaxy. As stupid as that sounds, you have to admire the audacity of the quest; there is no way it can be achieved, we have no idea of what lies in our tiny fragment of space, yet he claims we are the only sentient life in an expanse which we have knowledge of its depths.


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