White Mischief


Depending on your age, the name Kenya means different things; to most people it the country is associated with the attrocities done to the Asian population by Idi Amin.
My generation (60's) recall stories of the Mau Mau rebellion of the late 1950's.
If you were born in the 1930's, or 20's, you may recall a murder that was infamous at the tme; in what was known as Happy Valley. This was the murder of Josslyn Hay, the Earl of Erroll; the Earl had a reputation for going after the wives of other men in the community. At the time, the mureder was acquitted, on his death bed, the man accused he'd done the killing, but can you blame him?

As Noel Coward said, "Only mad dogs, and English men go out in the midday sun." The equatorial regions do not suit the Englissh people, the humidity tends to lead to us doing strange things.


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