This is your life

An Autobiography

Over the years, several people I know, or used to know have said they think I have had an intersting life, why don't I write an autobiography?
I did consider the project at one time, there was an Armed Forces charity called Sword and Dagger who wanted to publish my story, before I had the opportunity to collect my thoughts the project was shelved by a lack of funds.
There are many reasons why I never considered the idea; mainly, I never thought my life was worth writing about. I've been to places, and seen things other people haven't, but most people could say that.

I was never one to keep a diary, so I have only vague memories to rely on. I have had a few scares in my time, including three near-death experiences.
One thing that amused me was when I wrote about one of my experiences on a web site I was on, some of the people on the site commented how scary it was to have had a ND experience. My reply was "It's one thing to read about them, it is sonething scarier to know a person who had such an experience." It was after that story, I got asked if I was writing my autobiog for the first time.

Other than the lack of intel, there are other reasons why I never considered the project. I am naturally withdrawn, so I thought nobody would be interested in my story, after all, I am only a regular guy.


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