Should I change my ways?

 I live in an age that has gone

I am no knight errand, but I often feel at odds with the modern world. 
On one writing site I used to be on, I had the reputation of being like Don Quixote as I would fight for justice against the odds if I thought it was the correct thing to do.
The world I was brought up on was built on honesty, a virtue which over the years I noticed is a rare as the Yeti, or the Loch Ness monster; though I believe in both of the creatures, I have got to the point in disbelieving honesty exists in business anymore.
 have tried to change my style of wrting to fit the modern age, it didn't work; I am not a prude who is against sex, some of my stories can be classed as erotica. The difference with my style is that the sex is part of the story, not the story; they are like the cinema in India. Years ago, the music was part of the story, now the acting is part of the musical. I can understand the change; the populace need a distraction from thier living standards whch are deplorable.
I have tried to write a story based on sex, but it didn't work for me. I feel that putting a semi-naked body on the cover to get nterest in the story is cheating - there I go being old-fashioned - who knows, I may drop my standard, after all I am not selling, and I have no reputation to consider as a writer.


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