Damage done to the Writer

 Lending Libraries

Years ago, I used to chat online to two ladies, one in Liecester, the other in Newcastle, who claimed to have my eBook selection on their Kindle.
All I can say is they must have bought them from a lending library, as I never sold an eBook in the UK according to my sales records on Amazon, and Draft2Digital.
The principle of the these librares is the reader pays for the bokk, the library pays the distributor for the book, but the writer does NOT getpaid untl the book reaches a set number of sales. The issue is a number is not set for the sales, so the writer never sees a dime.
While you could argue I am being read, I would posit this is piracy as I am not being paid for my work.

The bottom line is these lbraries are the main reason I stopped writing.


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