Paris Hilton

 The Spice Girls

Yesterday's post about the Kardasians remined me of two incidents from over a decade ago about Australia.

The first occured when I was taping some shows about Bondi Beach for a lady I knew at he tme. In ne episode, there were flocks of teenage girls swarming around a celebrity; when the reporter asked a lifeguard if he'd heard of Paris HIlton, he said "Naah, who the f### is that?"

The other incident happened here in Bristol, when I used to go to folk club meetings. One night there was an Australian singer called Alan Kenny who ended his first act by saying in Oz, we have a saying "You have to be posh to suck Becks." He couldn't understand why the room flled with laughter.
What he meant was you have to be rich to afford Beck's beer,

I had to explain the relevance of the term here in the UK.
Posh was the nickname of Victoria Adams of the Spice Girls, and her boyfriend David Becham was known as Becks, So, despite their world tour, the girls didn't mpress the folks down under.


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