Egypt is risky

 It isn't only the weather

Hotels in Egypt have always been a high-risk area, escpecially for ladies; as Muslim men prowl like rabid wild dogs. The crimes mentioned in my story - - are docimented online, if you don't believe what I have written.
It isn't only the backward treatment of women, the terrible health record, or the bad food preparion you need to worry about. To add to the growing list of reasons NOT to visit is the risk of Carbon Monoxide poisonng; there are reports online of a British who stayed in a LUXURY hotel, and got poisoned because the room next door was being fumigated for bugs. 
When I worked in the Museum service in Bristol, if we had to fumigatem, which we did often, there are STRICT RULES; the most important one being ALL the ways the poison could escape MUST be blocked, and NOBODY is allowed in until the room is cleared by a Health Inspector.
There again, what can you expect from a religion that treats ladies worse than cattle, and considers Florence Nightingale as a visionoary? 
They expect people to flock to the new museum - if it opens to the public.


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