What Happend There?
A Warning from Space
This is a science fiction short story.
Chaper 1
The reasearch team from Cargodan University recieved a message from S.E.T.I. - Search for Extra-Terrestial Intelligence - that there maybe a meteor strike in the neoghbourhood of Valderma, Spain. Immedaitely, they got in contact with their colleagues at EMSC ( Euro-Mediterranean Seismicological Centre), in Seville to warn them something big was approaching,
The phone was picked up by Alejandro Domiguez, after seeing the caller ID, he replied, "Hello, John, I can imagine what your message is; we were tracking a large mettalic object in the flight of Saturn when we noticed it had spat out a cylinder the size of a billdozer."
John Harlet, chief science officer for Cardogan Uni commented, "Alejandro, I think you have a larget issue than what you imagine, our readings show the oblect is not only speeding up, but growing in size as it spins into our orbit. I don't know what you can do, if anything? If you warn people, you could cause a mass panic. Do you think the object us a moon, or a sattelite that hos got free?"
Without pausing, Alejandro replied, No!"
"What gives you that impression?"
"The object is spinning in a counter-closswise direction, and appears to stop, sometimes for several minutes."
"Yes, that does raise questions, I must admit, do you think it is dangerous?"
"I would say it is; after all, it did launch the missile our way."
"That could be a reasearch vessel, does it appear to be weaponized?"
"It doesn't appear to be armed, but who can tell what these people could have built? For all we know, they have discovered time travel, or can visit other planets."
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