Who am I?
Online but is it me?
Most people these days have an online presence, but who can say is there?
If you read this blog, you assume as it's created by me, I am using it, but am I?
For all you know, I could have given access to a friend; someone could have hacked it, strange, but not out of this world. After all, why would somebody wish to hack my blog as it is not that popular?
I could be anywhere, assuming it is me using the blog.
There some posts on Facebook years ago, warning users about messages siad to be from friends, but from hackers. If someone has known you, even for a short time, they would know what you write, and how you write. Anything out of the unusual would raise a red flag. I had an istance of that several years ago, someone I briefly knew sent someone else I knew vaguely, an email supposedly from me.
The recipient, wisely, contacted me.
We knew it wasn't from me, the sender was in a row on a writing site we frequented at the time, and he was causing arguments all over. He was so nasty, he attacked the admin of the site, and here is the joke; when he got expelled, he created a new profile, and blamed me for being ejected, as if the admin cared what happened to me.
How did I know it wasn't from me?
Other than what I have said about the rows; I didn't have the recipient's email address; why would I send an email when we could have chatted as easily online?
The "kicker" is he sent it from an address in Spain. At the time, I had no contact with Spain, it is only in the last three years I've had a few contacts there, and they are business sites on eBay,
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