The Aftermath of the New Project

 The result is a success

Before disclosing my findings, I rhink there is need for a few matters to be defined, in order for you to understand both me, and the aims of the project.

Last night's sleep - my sleep usually follows a pattern of waking during the night; then going back to sleep early in the morning.
The Aim of the project was to see if I could dream, but not think of stories to write.
What I plan to do with the results.

Last night's sleep (before I woke) was another success for the project; I cannot recall what I had dreams of.
The latter part was back to normal for me. I did have a dream I recall.
I am calling the project a success because it proved that if I can think of something before I go to bed, I won't have dreams to write about.
It is a success, for the second night I had no story to write about, though the latter part of the night I did have a dream I recall, that was this morning not last night.
As I recall my dream, but have no plans to go further with it, this is a huge success for me.

I will in time forget my dream, probably by the end of the week.

The result.
If i can occupy my mind before I go to sleep, the probability is I won;t have dreams that could have become stories to write about,


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