Forsooth-The Ravages of Time

 A Change of Palate

Years ago, I needed to start a culinary regime that limited what I could eat. Sometimes, the change was brought on by a change in my taste; years ago I couldn't drink Pepsi Cola, and now I can't drink Coke-a-Cola. I used to laugh at the advert that stated people couldn't tell the difference. To me, the difference was obvious as PC was far too sweet for me at the time.
Some of the changes are due to my EDS, which limits my throat size, as Ehlers-Danloss-Syndrome is a non-curable muscle degenerating illness.
The latest change is that after over 50 years, I have been forced to give up drinking coffee, I decided to cut down several years ago and saw a great improvement in my mental health. But this month it has become obvious my system is rejecting coffee.


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