A Bird in a Gilded Cage
The Life of a Chineses Emperor
The premise of the popular 1900s song is about a lady who married for money, not love.
The meaning is that you can have more money than you can imagine, but still be unhappy.
The song could also be applied to the lives of Chinese concubines, young ladies who the Emperor's mother saw unfit to be his wife, but as they had crossed into the Forbidden City they were trapped. They had all they could wish for but the freedom to go outside the walls of their gilded cage.
I would not have wished to have been an Emperor; your guards are men you have castrated to be loyal to you - they have nothing to lose by turning on you - add to that you created a minor revolt by condemning young ladies to a life with no freedom because your mother didn't see them fit to be your life.
I would spend my time watching my back for a revolution.
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