Do Black Lives Matter now?

 Miss Wales

Tragedy can strike at any moment, as the current Miss Wales has found out this week.
She is a Black Lives Matter activist, who a few days ago had the world at her feet. She was looking forward to entering the Miss World Pageant in May.
Now, after a car accident that left her with a fractured pelvis, and two bones broken in her neck, she lies in the University of Wales Hospital, in Cardiff.
The last I heard about BLM was a few months ago, several of their leaders are in jail for stealing thousands of pounds from the organization.


  1. Aside from the few punctuation errors, the blog post cries out for more details, a problem I see way too often in your writing. You have wonderful knowledge, but too much of it, you keep ločked up away from your rèaders¡

    1. It is hard to imagine I have readers; my usual score is me and you :(

  2. I donlt have much information on this topics, The crash closed the M4 bridge for several hours; according to my son, Michael, who got caught in the traffic jam it happened about 0900.


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