Robin Hood
King John
I'd venture that there are not many people who have NOT heard of Robin Hood; the earliest series I recall was back in the 1960's with Richard Greene in the title role.
One misconception that has followed the story through history is that of King John being second in evilness to King Richard iii. A true historian will tell you this in nothing but a falsehood that has perpetuated through time; let us view the times.
King John was the youngest of four brothers, and his father's favourite son.
His mother's favourite was his elder brother Richard, who became known as Richard i - Couer de lion - Richard the Lionheart.
This is where history has been twisted, Richard during his reign of 15 years, never spent more than a year in England as he was always off on a crusade; leaving his brother to find a way of funding these ventures by raising taxes.
What about our hero Robin Hood?
There is NO evidence he existed, the name was a general name at the time, and hood could have come from the wearing of a hooded cloak to hide his face.
He stole from the rich to give to the poor - hype - he stole to fund the cruades of his king (assuming he lived).
There have been several possibile men put forward as being Robin, including the Earl of Loxeley, but unlike the hero of the Belgian series Thieves of the wood there is no proof Robin Hood lived.
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