Craziness abounds
It's a mad world
If you don't think the world has gone crazy, then you are mad.
Thought Leadership
People go to leaders to be told what to think, during the Cold War, Vietnam, and to this day this is a polite term to explain brainwashing a heinous crime that most agencies deny using, but secretly use.
However, by the designation of being told what to think, you automatically deny the possibility of thought.
This is probably the second largest SCAM which fails to be picked up; recently, I decided to check a plan out, not for buying but to see what was involved. I had to laugh, the plan was telling me what to do, and I had been doing it for years.
Cut down on fatty foods, use oil to cook not fat; eat more cereals, fruit and nuts to keep your system running. I have to admit the having a liking for garlic which is not only good for your heart but cleans your blood.
Fitness Trainer
Why pay someone to tell you how to exercise?
If your body is aching, that is your body's way of telling you it has had enough. If you get a person to tell you to keep going on, they don't care what damage they do as all they care about is your money in their bank.
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