Am I paranoid?
Who watches the watchers?
The medical definition for paranoia is the irrational fear of something that people are looking for you.
I am not worried about dromes, cctv, or ID cards, but I do worry when I realise how close to science fiction written in the 70's the world is moving, and at an alarming rate, after all, who watches those who watch us?
The only way you'll get noticed on cctv is if you do something to attract attemtion to yourself, the same goes with dromes; they circuit the planet, but the chances of being seen are so slim it is pointless worrying unless you do something big to attract attention.
My concerns are that the new diseases coming out are mimicking minor ailments that people get through the year, what was once nothing is being treated as a major incident.
I sneeze throughout the year as I suffer from hayfever, and I cough as a result of years of drinking coffee which dries your throat, both are symptoms of Corona and Omicron.
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