Stephen King
The Colorado Kid.
The Colorado Kid by Stephen King is a book which splits his fans, some love the story while others detest it.
For me, I loved the story about the young cop finding the unknown body on the beach.
What few people realize is that Mr. King says the story is based on a true story set after WW2 when a man's body was found propped against a pillar in Sydney Harbor.
The first part of the mystery was how he died as he had no woulds; it was later found he had choked on some ham, and the lack of evidence at the scene is because seagulls would have eaten his sandwich.
The mystery that remains is who was he?
He had small feet and hands, and he was well dressed with manicured nails; the question is how did he get there? Nobody recognized then man from the police photographs, to this day he remains John Doe.
From his size and dress, and his well-kept hands it is hard to consider he was in the armed forces, and what is as puzzling as his identity is he had no papers on him when he was found.
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