Los Ultimos Dias

 The Final Days

Last month I saw a very good film from Spain called Los Ultimos Dias (The Last Days).
The story is centered about groups of people trapped in buildings in Barcelona after a disaster; the event is never explained, but we are lead to think it is a nuclear event as the people are paranoid about leaving the buildings.
It got me thinking is this how we are becoming abut sneezing and coughing, there are many reasons people cough or sneeze, and few are cnnected to the Coroanavirus; nowadays if you sneeze people treat you like a leper.
I cough because my throat dries up as I cannot breathe through my nose after several sprts accidents. This is also one of the reasons I tend to sneeze, as well as having damaged sinus cavities coming from being in an enclosed area when CS gas was ejected during my time in the RAF which burned the cavity, and also being in a fire three years ago.


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