Tuesday 25 July 2023

My days of using Draft2Digital are over

 Amazon and Google Play from now on

You read the title of the post correctly.

You may ask, what has turned me against a company I used to expound the virtues of, the answer is disreputable business practices.
Draft2Digital and Smashwords are one and the same. Three years ago, I had four sales on Smashwords, and to this day, I have NOT been paid for the sales; the same is happening now on Draft2Digital, I am waiting for the royalties from sales of my ebooks from over three months ago, and I am sure I will be waiting for a lot longer - if I get them - to see my money.
I am using only Amazon and Google Play from now on; I can hear the argument, but you haven't sold on Amazon for a long time. Well, in that case there is nothing to loose, as my last sale on Draft2Digital was over four years ago, despite their growing empire, so what have I to lose?
I sold only eight ebook on Google in three years, not a lot, but it compares well with the ZERO sales from Draft2Digital in the sale period.


  1. Thanks for saving me some heartache. I was all set to publish on "Smashwords" as a result of my co-author’s recommendation... found that Smashwords had become D2D, and my research led me here.

    1. I am pleased to be of use :) In my case, the months have now reached seven without payment.
