Sunday 10 March 2024

When value is not about money

 My oldest book

In my bookcase, I have a Bible which I think dates back to the the 1940's, or possibly earlier, why do I think it is this old?
There are two main reasons for my thinking. One is the book is leather covered, but the main reason is that it refers to the area we know as the Middle East, as The Levant.
The term Levant came into being around the late 1940's, and is only used these days by archeologists to describe a wide range of states. 
The Bible has no financial value, but it has a value to me, as it is the oldest book I have. I do have a set of books from my grandfather that are about the same age, but this is the oldest single book in my collection. 
The only other value it may have is if I could find the family who owned the book, but that is virtually impossible; a name is etched into the front, but to find out who it as I would damage the page.

1 comment:

  1. I have a Bible that dates probably from the 1950s.
